Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sweet Names, Comforting News

Many times I wake up, fall out of bed making my way to the kitchen with closed eyes for coffee which starts brewing 12 minutes before my alarm goes off, start getting ready for the day with the news on the TV and then leave the house.

When I get home in the evenings or at night, I really want to relax. So that’s normally when I get out my Bible. This works for me.

But I’ve noticed something this summer. I haven’t had to get up and get going on most days like I do when I’m at school. So I normally grab my coffee and have some Jesus time in the morning.

They have been the best days!

Why? Because I start my day with my Jesus! My Creator!

But this post isn’t about when to have Jesus time… It’s about spending time with the Creator of the universe.

I was reminded today that my Jesus, my God, loves me. He wants me to come to Him with requests. He wants to know how my day is going. Yes, He knows. But He wants to hear me tell Him.

The Creator of the whole universe, loves me!

He loves you! He wrote your life plan before you were even around.

Take comfort in that sweet friend.

He is jealous for you!

Run to Him. Let Him be your rock. Your refuge.

I promise you: that just by wanting Him and simply calling on His sweet beautiful name, He will meet you right where you are. Even if we don’t know what to say. Just call on His name. Lord. Abba Father. God. Sweet Jesus. Prince of Peace. Author of Life. Beautiful Lord.

He is faithful.

Remembering these verses today, I want to share them with you.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.”- Jeremiah 31:3

“How priceless is your unfailing love…”- Psalm 36:7

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

“So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My right hand…For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”- Isaiah 41:10&13

“But now, this is what the Lord says- Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine…you are precious and honored in my sight because I love you…”- Isaiah 43:1b&4a

So, go and just call on your Creator. He loves you. He wants you.

Take a few minutes and listen to these two songs...please! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Guest Blog

Every Wednesday is going to be Guest Blog Day! This is something that makes me happy. You will love hearing from these girls
So here you go...guest blog one!

Hello dear ones. I’m Kate, Shelby’s cousin. And this is my blogging debut!

So….bear with me. I’m new at this.

In my posts you will find tips for healthy living, exercise, and recipes.

Here’s a little about me. I am 5’2 on a good day. Blonde.  And sassy.  Excising and healthy eating are hobbies, not my obsession.

If you are 5 feet tall, followed by a small number of inches, you know that exercise is not an option if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Not very much extra space for those lbs to go if ya know what I’m sayin…

Most of what you will read here are things I have learned and read about over the past few years and hopefully you will benefit from too.

I’ll start with some common nutrition mistakes we are all bound to make.

1.  You boil your veggies.
You’re on a veggie kick. ( It’s summer, who isn’t?) Fresh squash and broccoli are delish, especially from mine and Shelby’s Papaw’s garden! But… you are boiling them, losing all the good vitamins (B, C, folate) in the water, and when you drain the veggies, you drain the good stuff too. So, pull out that ol steamer. Or microwave them in those nifty Ziploc steamer bags.

2.  You choose chicken over beef at restaurants.
Okay, so for those of you who can’t kick Whataburger to the curb, at least make “healthier” decisions while you are there. Most people who are health conscious pick chicken over beef anytime, anywhere. Don’t do it. Chicken sandwiches are often swimming in sodium to keep them moist.  You have a 2,300mg-per-day sodium budget. Take a minute to scan the restaurant’s nutrition data—online, in-store, or from a smart phone for fat and sodium content

3. You make time for the gym but skip the pre-workout snack to save on calories.
“Think of a pre-workout snack as fueling, not filling,” says fitness expert Myatt Murphy, CSCS.”  Aim for 100 to 200 calories, just enough to give you enough energy for exercise. Too much food and your stomach works to digest that food instead.  Thirty minutes before exercise is good.

4.  You think you’re buying lean meat.
The “80/20” percentage you see on packages refers to the proportion of fat and protein in the grind, not the proportion of calories. Fat contains more than twice the calories of protein. So, 20% of fat by weight contributes 72% of the total calories in a 3.5-ounce portion of raw ground beef, or about 180 of the 250 total calories.
So now what?! Buy a much leaner grind, such as 90/10, or ask for a lean whole cut like sirloin or brisket to be custom ground for you, which will be fresher anyway.

*These tips along with others can be found on

Hope these are helpful reminders! Now go whip up some steamed veggies and lean beef. Gotta go, I’m hungry.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Where is it?

This whole thing started the other day…now, I can’t get this off my mind. It is all I can think about. Completely consuming my thoughts.

Where is the church?

On Monday, I went with my dad and sister to my grandmother’s to build a fence. Yes, build a fence in the 100-degree Texas heat. After a long (and I mean extremely long) day of working and building this fence, I was exhausted. My whole body hurt. The only thing I could think about was a nice shower. I just wanted to be clean and cool.

Right before we left my nana’s my mom called. She said we didn’t have water. A construction crew had hit a water line and the water wouldn’t be back on for 2-4 hours.

My world stopped. I thought I might die. Literally.

Then my mom proceed to tell me that for the next 2 days we would have to boil the water before drinking it or cooking with it.

Again, I thought I might die.

After pouting about not having water for a while and the whole car ride home, I realized something. I realized first that I had not said any thanks for anything all day. (That story, about saying thanks, will come soon. Get pumped!) Second, I realized that I was being so selfish. I’m sure you could tell that too.

There are people half way around the world that have never had clean water. Never. Their entire life. They’ve never bathed in clean water or even drank clean water. I have never spent one day without clean water.

I can’t imagine the idea of not having a constant supply of water.

Try to imagine having to walk miles to even get your water. Then when you do get it, the water is gross. Filled with bacteria that will make you sick.

I wonder if they know? But even if they do know that it can harm them, they don’t really have a choice.

It breaks my heart. It hurts my heart that people don’t have clean water. But then I started thinking of the people here. Right here beside me in East Texas.

When I got home from my nana’s my mom told me a story. Early that day she had gone to Tyler to a doctor’s appointment. Across the street from the office is a city park with a splash pad for kids to play in.

She said as she drove by she noticed a lady on the splash pad. This lady had on a dress but had it pulled up so that the water could clean/cool her.

Now, I don’t know if this lady was crazy or if she really needed a place to get clean or cool. My heart just broke when my mom told the story.

So next story that has caused my mind to stop thinking any thing else other then: Where is the church?

On Sunday I was in Academy with my family buying new Ranger shirts. I needed a new Ranger shirt like I needed a hole in my head. But I was there buying one.

We noticed commotion at the front of the store with the manger and two guy employees. The two guys said they found six Nike shoeboxes in the dressing room. All different sizes, kids to adult. But when they looked inside, they found old, dirty, smelly shoes instead of the Nikes.

Apparently, a family had come in wearing their old shoes and walked out with the new shoes on their feet.

They might have stolen shoes, yes. I’m not saying what they did was right. But I just kept thinking over and over what if that was the only way they could get their children shoes. That could have been the only way to get shoes.

So this is where my mind has been: Where is the church? Where is it?

Aren’t we called to care for the orphans, widows, and poor? I can’t think of a time when Jesus tells us to go check on the wealthy. But I can think of NUMEROUS times when caring for the poor is brought up.

Where is the church?

Where is the church caring for the lady who doesn’t have water to shower in? Where is the church in providing shoes to a family?

Are we picking out new carpet and chairs for the sanctuary because they don’t match after the latest renovation? Are we making sure the lights on stage change colors during certain times during the songs in worship? Are we planning the next Sunday School get together that will include more food then people? Where is the church?

I’m not saying that these things are bad. I’m just concerned that the church (not a building but the body of Christ) gets way to self-consumed.

James 1:27 just constantly comes to my mind when I think “where is the church.” It says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Then on Wednesday when I was spending much need time with DBarr, the question come up. We were talking about what we are each feeling called to after graduation. I hadn’t even told her about what I was thinking.

She took the words out of my mouth. She looked at me and asked, “Where is the church?”

So beautiful that two friends who haven’t seen each other in two months can be on the same page!

I don’t know what I need to do. I don’t know what we need to do. The church is needed. There are needs here. Now.

Obedience is the only answer. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why Write?

Just A Servant Girl’s meaning comes from my desire to live for my Risen King as His servant. I wrote about that in the This Servant tab; go check it out…

But I haven’t said why I write, why I share with you what’s on my heart, why I tell you my story. Well, here it is: I write because my story is not my own.

My story is not just for me.

I believe that my Savior is the Author of my life. He has everything planned out. I just have to trust and follow Him. How comforting to know that He has written out my life. For me!

I have met so many girls with unique stories. Some have a background of abuse, eating disorders, heartbreak, or just a down right not-fun situation. When we go through hard times, what is the one line that every girl says? “No one would understand what I’m going through.”

Whether we’re just being overdramatic or legitimately thinking it, we are wrong.

Somewhere some one has dealt with the same thing, is dealing with the same thing, or will deal with same thing. Someone so desperately needs to hear your story.

When stories are told, or read by someone who needs it, a beautiful thing happens. A community forms. Loneliness fades. Courage builds. Jesus is glorified!

So, sweet friend, what is your story? Who needs to hear it?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Oh, this sweet little blog

Oh, how I’ve missed this sweet little blog. But I’m back!

Just A Servant Girl has had a facelift and is ready to be seen again!

Look around… Below are old posts. There are tabs that will introduce you to me and a few others who will be guest bloggers!

You can follow my blog if you would like or sign up to receive it through email. That would just tickle me pink! ;)

If you like what you read, I don’t mind you sharing it via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. With Pinterest, please just link it back to the original site.

Writing is a passion I have! I hope you enjoy reading it! Please comment; I love hearing what you think!